Talking Parents App
The Talking Parents App is a truly cutting-edge and ingenious software application approved by Florida courts. The App can take a great deal of the stress and metaphorical pain out of communicating with an ex-partner or ex-spouse during a paternity or divorce lawsuit, or even after the lawsuit has ended, because family law cases often continue for years beyond initial proceedings.
With the Talking Parents App, everything is on the record. There are no hidden communications, and the parties technically cannot hide or delete what they have written to one another. For the attorneys, Talking Parents App reduces the burden of combing through months or years of conversations by e-mail, text, instant messenger, etc., where chronological and informational frameworks must be established in an attempt at admissibility in court and achieving a sufficient burden of proof. Talking Parents streamlines this by having all conversations available in their original format with proof of the parties’ mutuality. Moreover, there are rarely if ever any games played here by a surreptitious party because both parties must separately and individually create user accounts and must be approved in order to engage with one another.
Talking Parents App in Florida Family Law Court
Justifiably so, Talking Parents App advertises that when the parties have been involved in a domestic violence dispute, or when there are other security concerns involving the safety of the parties and their children, the App can be the ultimate mechanism for ensuring open communications in the absence of being threatened. Since conversations occur through Taking Parents, private contact information is not revealed unless you personally reveal that information to the other party.
The word the App team utilizes is “accountability.” Buyer beware, caveat emptor. If you choose to be threatening or menacing toward the other party, know that they may seek to have your communications entered into evidence in a family law court in an attempt to portray you in a negative light.
For more information about the Talking Parents App and for information regarding their users’ frequently asked questions visit their contact page here.
Jonathan Jacobs is a family and divorce law attorney in Orlando, Florida.