We are not accepting new civil litigation claims at this time. Please do not contact us with any small claims or other civil claims issues. This article is for reference only. You made a contract with someone so they would buy your car, motorcycle, boat or something similar. You performed your end of the bargain by delivering the equipment, but magically the other party has disappeared and/or refuses to pay you anything. You find yourself out of the money you rightfully deserve. Perhaps somebody passed you a bad check. This is when you should hire a small claims lawyer Seminole County or a small claims lawyer Lake County Florida. Get your money back through a demand letter and/or by litigating. Do not let the other party take what is yours without a fight. Speak with a small claims attorney. This article is for reference only. We are not accepting new civil litigation claims at this time. The majority of our law practice focuses on uncontested divorces in Seminole County Florida.
Small Claims Lawyer Lake County Florida
Appearing without a small claims lawyer Seminole County or a small claims lawyer Lake County Florida can mean being at the mercy of the other side, without the knowledge of how to best proceed with litigating your case and pursuing or defending against claims for monetary damages. A small claims attorney can make sure that you are treated fairly at hearings, during mediation, or trial. It isn’t fair to you to be called a liar, when that isn’t the matter at hand, the matter at hand is whether or not you are owed that thousands of dollars (the small claims jurisdictional limit used to be $5,000 and has increased to $8,000 as if 2020, as well as attorney’s fees and court costs.
If you choose not to retain a small claims lawyer Seminole County or a small claims lawyer Lake County Florida, the litigation process involving your money can be substantially more difficult and a monetary recovery might be far less than you had anticipated. Not having a skilled litigator present for court proceedings can allow for disagreements between the parties that can be quite disparaging.
Small Claims Attorney Litigation
Recently, the Jacobs Law Firm litigated a small claims case at trial in which the Firm proved victorious and earned a judgment for our client. The opposing party represented herself. The other party repeatedly voiced comments that were irrelevant causing us to make several key objections to prevent irrelevant information from coming into the court record.
If you believe that you have been financially wronged by a person or company that has deprived you of money or property, of if you are being sued by someone for monetary damages, it may be time for you to call the Jacobs Law Firm, small claims lawyer Seminole County, small claims lawyer Lake County Florida, for a consultation to determine your legal rights and responsibilities. We take all litigation seriously and treat every case as though it is our primary case.