Breach of Contract Attorney Orlando

Have you been damaged because of a breach of contract? Call a breach of contract attorney Orlando | breach of contract attorney Seminole today to protect your financial rights. The elements (what you as a plaintiff are required to prove) of a breach of contract in Florida are: (1) the existence of a contract (Can you prove a contract exists? Is your contract oral or written and in what form?), (2) a breach (How has the Defendant violated the contract/agreement?) of the contract, and (3) damages resulted from the breach (Damages are generally financial, but they are not limited strictly to money). DNA Sports Performance Lab, Inc. v. Club Atlantis Condo. Ass’n, Inc., 219 So. 3d 107, 109 (Fla. 3d DCA 2017), Abbott Labs., Inc. v. Gen. Elec. Capital, 765 So. 2d 737, 740 (Fla. 5th DCA 2000). We can refer you to an Orlando breach of contract attorney | Seminole breach of contract attorney that litigates small claims cases where the damages are less than $8,000.00 in controversy. We are not accepting new civil litigation claims at this time.

Breach of Contract Attorney Seminole

The legal term of art “breach of contract” has a rather massive reach and application. It can refer to any number of situations that arise. Perhaps the best way to understand how we, as a breach of contract attorney Orlando | breach of contract attorney Seminole can help you is to reference some common situations that arise in small claims court. Below are three common legal battles that are brought by an Orlando breach of contract attorney | Seminole breach of contract attorney.

  1. Plaintiff (Lender) has loaned $3,500.00 to a former romantic partner (Defendant/Borrower). The Defendant paid back a portion of the money owed the Lender but has utterly ignored Lender’s demands for payment. There is a loan agreement/contract between the two parties and the Defendant has breached that agreement with his/her failure of payment. An Orlando breach of contract attorney can litigate this matter based on the terms of your contract.
  2. A Plaintiff/Landlord has rented an apartment home to a Tenant/Defendant who left the premises (making an eviction action technically unnecessary) after failing to pay three months of overdue rent. Further, the Defendant left the Plaintiff’s apartment home leaving behind a total mess with cosmetic and/or structural damage. Hire a Seminole breach of contract attorney to sue the former Tenant for damages and any statutory fees that may be included in the damages calculation.
  3. The third situation highlighted here occurs (this is a two-sided issue) when a Business/Defendant has failed to perform a job it was hired to do for a Homeowner/Plaintiff. The Homeowner will call a breach of contract attorney Orlando FL to litigate to get their money back plus any other damages both incidental and consequential that may have resulted from the Business’ failure of performance. In many cases, it is the Business suing the Homeowner when the Homeowner fails to pay for work performed.

When you are prepared to pursue legal action against a person or a business, call the Jacobs Law Firm, breach of contract attorney Orlando | breach of contract attorney Seminole. Dial 407-335-8113 to obtain the legal help you need for your business or bottom line. We litigate small claims cases in Seminole, Polk, Lake, Osceola, and Orange County.