Winter Park Divorce Attorney

Divorce can be full of turmoil and trauma. The fact is that when you need a Winter Park Divorce Attorney, it is likely because you are in a legal fight over finances. It is common that people say they want to protect their assets in a divorce. It is equally as probable the other side is seeking the maximum possible financial award given their marital sacrifices and financial needs beyond the marriage. There is great value in hiring a Winter Park Divorce Lawyer when your financial future is under litigation. Call now to speak with a family law and divorce attorney at (407) 335-8113.

A primary benefit of retaining a Winter Park Divorce Attorney is they are experienced legal drafters. Your attorney will prepare your pleadings and your motions in such a manner as to encompass the critical factual allegations that frame and outline your unique case. Your Winter Park Divorce Lawyer will ensure your case involves the necessary assets and liabilities and therefore tells the court the financial and parental issues that should be focused on.

Winter Park Divorce Lawyer How We Can Help You Win

Your family law attorney will also assist clients in assembling their mandatory financial disclosures, and in turn, help verify the accuracy of their financial affidavit to protect clients from impeachment at deposition, hearings or trial. Your Winter Park Divorce Attorney will perform discovery to ensure the other side has provided their full financial portfolio and not hidden any assets or liabilities that should be equitably distributed. If clients do not have as much information as they are entitled to by law, a divorce will likely overlook important financial aspects that could negatively impact their case.

Retaining a Winter Park Divorce Lawyer will show the other litigant that you are well-represented and are approaching your divorce carefully. Often, pro se or self-represented litigants, will not know what is reasonable based on the facts and circumstances of their case. This could lead a party to an agreement on a settlement that is far too low to be reasonable, or a settlement agreement that offers a great deal more to the other party than is reasonable.

Finances in a contested divorce are not just about a spouse’s financial well-being, they are also about their children’s future comfort and stability. Your Winter Park Divorce Attorney will know how to advise you regarding alimony and child support calculations. Negotiating a settlement often comes from a position of strength and knowledge. When you need to hire us, the Jacobs Law Firm is ready to help you achieve a successful resolution to your divorce case. Call now to speak with a divorce attorney at (407) 335-8113.

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